National Day of Volunteer Youth Ministry Training

Frequently Asked Questions

In years past, there was one specific date… so what’s the date for 2024?
After 5 incredible years, we’ve decided to change things up to help it grow even faster! The “National DAY of Volunteer Youth Ministry Training” to “DAYS”… basically, you pick any day (or multiple days) that work for you and the groups you invite (if you’re hosting). If you’re hosting, best practice would be to pick a date that works for your location, lock-in your YM friends to that date, and boom–it’s whatever day/time you choose. So flexible. We’ll deliver all of the training content to you on August 1, 2024.

Why should I host this training?
It’s not for everyone! BUT, you may be surprised at how rewarding it can be. You would want to host if you:
(1) love helping youth workers
(2) get fired-up seeing volunteers get excellent training
(3) enjoy gathering with other youth workers in your community
(4) are good at networking or want to start a network in your area
(5) have the ability to think ahead, pick a date, and pull off an event
(6) are at a church/location that is supportive of other groups/churches joining you.
If that’s you… let’s go!

Is this a streaming event? We have terrible internet and “average” technology!
This is NOT a streaming event. We want to get this product everywhere (i.e. rural areas with lower speed internet, Texas LED walls … and church basements with a faded AWANA circle). We will deliver the downloadable content on August 1, 2024 (no expiration date on the download) and you simply press play on the day of! Yeah! A computer and a screen is all you need!

Do I need to purchase Coleader to view and present the training?
You don't! You'll get a download with all of the video and .pdf files to use in your preferred presentation software. PLUS, you'll get Coleader access included with your purchase if you'd like to enhance your training with the Coleader tool and program! We've added TONS of bonus content in the Coleader program that will elevate the training!

Are there any additional costs?
Nope! You are paying for a license that allows you to show the content to your volunteers exclusively (if you purchase Single Church Access) or your volunteers plus other churches (as a Host site) . This fee is for 1 or 1,000 youth workers at your single location.

How much do visiting youth groups pay to attend host sites?
Good question! Well … that’s totally up to you! You choose this year if you want to “gift” it to the nearby youth ministry community or charge a moderate fee per person (we suggest no more than $25/person), or per group (we suggest no more than $99/group). Again … you make the call! Now, they won’t pay DYM… they’ll pay you directly however you want to set up. Another option may be to split the cost with a local church friend and co-host it and combine forces.

How long is the National Day of Volunteer Youth Ministry Training?
We will deliver a program that will last 3 hours, it will be made up of 6 trainings (10-12 minutes each), discussion times for each session, and have some fun sprinkled throughout. We will also give you a few additional sessions that you can use if you’d like to swap out some of the existing content (or use at another time). How you do it is up to you, it’s fully customizable (cut or add content to make the training longer or shorter)! But if you block out a 3-hour time-block you’ll have plenty of time. And again – you choose the time frame, the day and the cost!

Will DYM help promote the host training locations?
Yes… and no. 🙂 We will be talking about the event, promoting the National Day, and including a page on with a list of registered host sites, but it will be up to each host to promote their location. We’re trying to streamline everything and make it an easier experience for all involved. This year it’s all about scale – previously we’ve reached up to 20,000 volunteers and this year we want to go for 100,000+ which means WAY more hosts with an easy process to get it in your hands. We’ve learned that the majority of our previous hosts already knew the people who ended up coming to their location. All the promotional responsibility lies with you, so work those networks and invite anyone and everyone to your location. Hit up those Facebook groups and local events as well!

What does the schedule look like?
The schedule is designed for it to be as easy on you as possible. We will deliver a program that will last 3 hours, it will be made up of 6 trainings (10-12 minutes each), discussion times for each session, and have some fun sprinkled throughout. We will also give you a few additional sessions that you can use if you’d like to swap out some of the existing content (or use at another time).

Here’s the best part: the training content will be delivered in Coleader which will make it super easy for you to edit the training to fit your ministry’s needs (only include the training topics that you want, add/cut/move elements around, etc)! You get to choose how long your training event is!

If you provide an air-conditioned/heated room with decent screens or a projector, that’s enough. If you want to go all-out and have snacks, meal(s), prizes, etc.—go for it! Just be super clear on your start/end times and stick to it!

What if I want the training for my youth ministry leaders and don’t want to host?
No problem. You can purchase the content for your church only. You can get access to it same as a host on August 1, 2024.

Why sign up this far in advance?
The price will go up steadily in the coming months, and by locking it in now you are guaranteed the lowest price for this training!

What questions will my senior pastor going to ask about this?
We’ve covered a lot of questions (see above), but if you have additional questions, please let us know and we’ll update this FAQ with your question. Please email with any additional questions.

Are the refunds?
Sorry, no refunds.

Not sure what the National Day looks like? Watch the first 7 minutes of the 2023 training below: